January 20
9:00 am
January 31
5:00 pm
“The sound of the flexi and eccentric grinder is a kind of special meditation for me, that long, drawn-out OM…” Benedikt Tolar
Benedikt Tolar’s creativity is based on constant observation of reality. In things that an ordinary person would pass by without noticing, he already observes future artifacts in advance. The basis of his work has thus become primarily recycling, to which ecological thinking has gradually been added. With his typically peculiar humour, he critically reacts to the present, to the excess of material and the lack of greenery. By connecting seemingly incompatible things, he creates unexpected contexts – often even for himself. The resulting theme usually depends on the material itself, its properties, shape, and colour. The artist often loses control over the creation of the work; on the contrary, it is the material that controls its author in this case.
Tolar’s entire work works with the principle of more or less controlled chance. The artist accumulates found or scrapyard items in his studio, where (sometimes more, sometimes less) Duchampian ready-made objects are subsequently created under his hands. He is fascinated by the rawness of objects, and he often tries to preserve their original form as much as possible. At the same time, however, he often works with complex, artisanal and technically mastered procedures. To find the appropriate colour and surface structure, he also experiments with the use of coffee or water with salt, with galvanic plating or with paints, for which he uses the simple principle of gravity in the form of flowing, spilling, dripping.
The name of the exhibition
GRINDCORE refers to the main content of the exhibition, which is largely made up of hoods and roofs of old cars, from which the author creates metal paintings by grinding their coloured layers. All this to the sound of an angle grinder reminiscent of the uncompromising Grindcore music style. The exhibition also includes the
Dance of Death sculpture created from an old deformed bathtub, which refers to the work
Aj Vana Be…, which is part of the
Winter Lights 2025 festival at Canary Wharf. The author used 32 retired bathtubs as building material for this work. The giant living sculpture
Aj Vana Be…* is the author’s response to the theme of water as a precious resource, which he connects with the principles of up-cycling obsolete bathtubs, which are an inherent part of socialist housing in high-rise buildings. The concave shape of the bathtubs creates space for a light show synchronized with music. Aj Vana Be… has been exhibited in Belgium, Finland, Slovakia, France in recent years and
can be enjoyed in London at Mackenzie Walk, Canary Wharf E14 daily between 5 and 10pm from 21 January till 1 February 2025.
More info
*VANA in Czech means bathtub.
Monday 20 January 2025, 18:30 – 20:30
- EXHIBITION DATES: 20 – 31 January 2025
Vitrínka Gallery, Czech Centre London
30 Kensington Palace Gardens, London, W8 4QY
Tue – Fri 10am – 5pm
or by appointment – info@czechcentre.org.uk